Monday 28 December 2009

Dark, Cold, Early.

With a busy day on the cards it was a case of run early or not at all.

Venturing out at 6:50 it was very dark and very cold. Things weren't helped by half the street lights being out (what's that all about?) and the cold, cold northerly wind.

Ice still lurked on many of the footpaths so keeping to the local roads was the safest option.

The five mile route kept me close to home - Pickford/Milford Hill (Batford) being the furthest I ventured East, Westfield Road the furthest north and Crabtree Lane the furthest South.

Saw a group of teenage lads out which kind of surprised me. However, the clink of bottles in their carrier bags was the give-away they were on their way back from an all-night party. Speaks volumes of today's youth - in my day we would have kept going until at least midday!

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