Sunday 9 August 2009

Club Handicap

It was Niall's idea.

David was missing, assumed sick, so it was just Harpenden Running Fource Three for the inaugural club 5-mile handicap. Down the Lea Valley Walk (watch out for the fallen tree), over the hill to Weathampstead and back via the relatively flat Lower Luton Road.

Kenny was given a 1:50 start with Niall and me starting together. Now based on Kenny's VO2 Max he should really have started after me but we'll let that pass for the time being. Niall's combination of injury/holiday meant he dropped back after the afore mentioned felled tree leaving me to chase down "yellow" Kenny (note - the only one of us correctly attired in club running vest) on my own. I finally caught him on Waveney Road, about 250 metres from the finish. I was able to pass on the flat but the old boy wasn't happy and once on Cross Way kicked for the finish. I briefly responded but thought better of it and let the Running Fource hare take the first win. Niall rolled up some time later no doubt cheered in the knowledge that assuming he is fit for the next running of the handicap his start time will make him untouchable.

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